Best Practices for Newsrooms: Leveraging Philanthropic Support to Enhance Local Journalism

Posting: Tuesday, June 25, 2024

In the rapidly evolving media landscape, newsrooms face numerous challenges, from maintaining editorial independence to ensuring financial sustainability. At Journalism Funding Partners (JFP), we understand the importance of philanthropic support in bolstering local journalism. Recent research we commissioned highlights how newsrooms can maximize the benefits of such support while maintaining trust and transparency.

One of the cornerstones of journalistic integrity is editorial independence. Newsrooms should establish and communicate clear policies that ensure funders have no influence over editorial decisions. Our research, led by Dr. Louisa Ha at Bowling Green State University, suggests that while all funders support editorial independence, the specifics are often not detailed in agreements. JFP on the other hand, ensures the inclusion of specific language supporting editorial independence in our fiscal sponsorship agreements.

Transparency about funding sources is crucial for building trust with your audience. Clearly disclose all funders and explain how their support is utilized. Regular updates and reports can keep your audience informed about the impact of philanthropic support. This can include success stories, project milestones and detailed financial reports.

Building awareness of philanthropic support is another key area. Only 17% of respondents in our research were aware of philanthropic funding in local news. Newsrooms should actively educate their audiences about the role and impact of philanthropic support in enhancing their coverage. 

Aligning coverage with community priorities is essential for increasing audience engagement and support. Our research indicates that the top news priorities for respondents are public safety, health, the economy, education, housing and press freedom. By focusing on these areas, newsrooms can better serve their communities. Additionally, consider expanding coverage to include other important topics such as climate reporting, Spanish-language journalism, indigenous issues and racial equity.

Optimizing media consumption channels is also vital. While TV and social media are popular, local broadcast stations, newspapers and public media are the most trusted sources of news. Focusing on these platforms can enhance your reach and credibility. Moreover, no cost/free access and trustworthiness are key factors for audiences when choosing a news platform. Offering free or low-cost access to your content can help build a loyal and engaged readership.

Coats said this finding is critical for newsrooms of all business models to understand - and appreciate. It’s also why the work of all positions funded through JFP are, by contract, available outside pay walls. While those stories can contribute to a site’s metering, none can be flagged as “subscriber only.”

Fostering strong relationships with funders can lead to increased support and collaborative opportunities. At JFP, we connect funders with local news outlets, acting as matchmakers to build strong relationships. Demonstrating the tangible impact of philanthropic support on your journalism by highlighting successful projects, investigative stories, and community benefits can further solidify these relationships.

By adopting these best practices, newsrooms can effectively leverage philanthropic support to enhance their coverage, maintain editorial independence and build trust with their audiences. As the media landscape continues to evolve, embracing these strategies will be crucial for sustaining quality local journalism and serving the community's needs.

For more detailed insights, you can read the full interview with our Executive Director, Rusty Coats, conducted by NC Local News Workshop here.


Media Contact: Rusty Coats, Executive Director | | (813) 277-8959


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