The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Receives Grant to Expand Coverage of Climate Change in Georgia

Posting: Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The $50,000 grant from the Kendeda Fund and 1Earth Fund is made possible by Journalism Funding Partners

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has received a $50,000 donation from the Kendeda Fund and 1Earth Fund to expand coverage of climate change in Georgia. The one-year grant, made possible by Journalism Funding Partners (JFP), will be used to increase the volume and depth of reporting on how climate change is affecting metro Atlanta and the state.

Georgia is vulnerable and is already experiencing dangerous heat, stronger storms and more frequent flooding. With its diverse landscape from mountains to coastal marshlands, the state is expected to see even more dramatic impacts to its livability and economy as climate change accelerates.

With this funding, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will be able to go beyond the daily news and take a deeper look at how the changing environment will affect Atlantans’ everyday lives. The newspaper currently employs one climate and environmental reporter, Drew Kann, who joined in October 2021 from CNN.

“The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is known for our in-depth reporting and our willingness to pursue complex stories where the stakes are high,” said Kevin Riley, editor of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Climate change is a topic where real, in-depth reporting can make a lasting impact, and we’re thankful we’ve secured partners who also see the clarity credible journalism can bring to this issue.”

How Philanthropy is Helping The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Like many newspapers across the country, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is seeking to build partnerships with community and philanthropic organizations to support in-depth journalism for high-impact topics. Along with subscriptions and advertising, donations are another way the community can support the mission of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and ensure the newspaper is able to serve the public for decades to come.

Partners who choose to fund projects with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution understand the value of editorial independence and respect journalistic integrity. As with all community partnerships, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will retain editorial control of its content.

Journalism Funding Partners is a non-profit that specializes in connecting donors with news organizations and helped make this grant possible.  

“Journalism is vital to the health of our democracy and the overall health of communities,” said Rusty Coats, executive director of Journalism Funding Partners. “We believe The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a valuable role to play in helping Georgians understand the threat of climate change and what should be done to mitigate the risks.”

Funds provided through this philanthropic initiative will allow the newspaper to hire and assign staff to cover topics it was either unable to cover or cover sufficiently to satisfy the need. The AJC will be transparent about which persons or organizations provided support to make special projects like this possible.

To contribute to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's climate initiative, please visit

About The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is dedicated to uncovering the truth, protecting the public’s right to know and pressing on to help build a better metro Atlanta and Georgia. We are the leading source of news, information and advertising for metropolitan Atlanta. We reach more than 7 million unique online visitors each month and more than 125,000 subscribers support our mission to produce real, local journalism. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Cox Enterprises Inc.

About JFP: The mission of Journalism Funding Partners is to strengthen the depth, diversity and sustainability of local news by building and shepherding relationships between funders and local news organizations. JFP is a recognized nonprofit that acts as fiscal sponsor, allowing foundations and individual funders to contribute directly to local news, regardless of the news organization’s business model. JFP manages the funds feeding numerous news initiatives, including more than a dozen Climate reporters in the Southeast, an Equity Desk at The Sacramento Bee, an Education and Economic Mobility Desk in California’s Central Valley, the Investigative Fund of The Miami Herald and for Inclusivity and Investigative funds at the Associated Press.


Media Contact: Rusty Coats, Executive Director | | (813) 277-8959

he Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Jaime Sarrio McMurtrie, Director Of Development And Community Relations |


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