JFP Board Members Attend First In-Person Board Meeting in Raleigh, NC

Posting: Tuesday, August 9, 2022

JFP Board Members met for the first time on July 28, 2022 for their very first in person board meeting in Raleigh, NC, to discuss JFP’s impact in local Journalism and to discuss the future of the organization.

Board members travelled from different parts of the country such as Florida and California to attend this annual meeting where several board members met each other for the first time in-person. Members attended a dinner the day before and attended the Durham Bulls baseball game after the meeting.

The meeting was held at The AJ Fletcher Foundation, a beautiful building located near the heart of downtown Raleigh. Origins of JFP’s beginnings were led by founding board member Orage Quarles before Executive Director, Rusty Coats dived into his report on what he’s learned from his now year-long tenure with JFP. 

A panel discussion with three experts in early-stage nonprofits were led by Damon Circosta, Executive Director for the AJ Fletcher Foundation, Valerie Melton, Senior Counsel of CapDev and George McCanless, President and CEO of United Way of Central Georgia.

The board meeting came to a close after lengthy discussions about how JFP can be seen as more than just a fiscal sponsor and what the next 3-5 years will look like. Once the meeting concluded, board members were invited to the Durham Bulls baseball game that evening where Coats was honored for JFP’s contribution to local journalism, particularly in North Carolina.

About JFP: The mission of Journalism Funding Partners is to strengthen the depth, diversity and sustainability of local news by building and shepherding relationships between funders and local news organizations. JFP is a recognized nonprofit that acts as fiscal sponsor, allowing foundations and individual funders to contribute directly to local news, regardless of the news organization’s business model. JFP manages the funds feeding numerous news initiatives, including more than a dozen Climate reporters in the Southeast, an Equity Desk at The Sacramento Bee, an Education and Economic Mobility Desk in California’s Central Valley, the Investigative Fund of The Miami Herald and for Inclusivity and Investigative funds at the Associated Press.


Media Contact: Rusty Coats, Executive Director | rusty@jfp-local.org | (813) 277-8959

Marc Fiol | Communications & Administrative Coordinator

Marc Fiol is the Communications and Administrative Coordinator at Journalism Funding Partners. His role consists of helping grow the awareness and Impact of JFP’s work by increasing the depth, diversity and sustainability of local news.

He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Advertising in 2020. Previously, he interned for the local newspaper, The Independent Florida Alligator, in Gainesville, Florida before officially joining the team as an account executive selling advertising space to local organizations. In addition to working with the Alligator, he also worked with their in-house advertising agency, SparkIt Creative, as their Content Developer designing advertisements for their many business accounts.

He is a Florida native, being born and raised in Miami, Florida, and values creativity, honesty and hard work. When he’s not working, he enjoys designing websites and apps, along with playing his guitar at home.


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