Freedom Forum Funds a Full-Time First Amendment Reporter at The Tennessean
Posting: Friday, September 23, 2022
Freedom Forum, Journalism Funding Partners launch pilot program
A reporter whose beat is devoted to covering First Amendment issues has been hired by The Tennessean in Nashville in a pilot program funded by the Freedom Forum through Journalism Funding Partners.
The Freedom Forum will provide training and access to First Amendment experts for the staff of The Tennessean and other journalists at Gannett newspapers throughout Tennessee.
The Freedom Forum is a nonpartisan nonprofit foundation based in Washington, D.C., whose mission is fostering First Amendment freedoms for all. Journalism Funding Partners works to increase the depth, diversity and sustainability of local journalism by building and stewarding connections between funders and newsrooms. It is based in Sacramento, Calif.
Angele Latham will begin her new beat at The Tennessean on Oct. 1. A native of Hickman County, Tenn., Latham had been the government and business reporter at The Jackson (Tenn.) Sun. Before that, she served as the editor of the Independent Appeal in Selmer, Tenn., after graduating from Middle Tennessee State University with a degree in journalism and visual communications.
“From book bans in public schools to debates over free speech on college campuses, First Amendment issues are some of the most newsworthy topics of our time,” said Jan Neuharth, chair and CEO of the Freedom Forum. “Our surveys show Americans overwhelmingly treasure the First Amendment but are conflicted about how it applies today. Having a reporter devoted to exploring the freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition is an exciting way to help bridge the gaps in understanding our essential freedoms.”
Angele Latham will start work on Oct. 1
Journalism Funding Partners supports local news by backing efforts to make newsrooms better reflect their communities. JFP also puts priority on coverage topics that have been reduced by declines in local news, such as equity, economic mobility, education, health, housing, gun violence and the environment, providing place-based, family and community funders with immediate impact in raising awareness of these key issues.
“We are excited to be part of this important project,” said Orage Quarles III, JFP Board Chair. “I believe that reminding the public of the importance of the First Amendment and how it relates to our democracy is critical at this time in our history.”
“Tennessee has long been at the forefront of debate and decision over how these fundamental freedoms have and should manifest in a pluralistic society,” said Michael A. Anastasi, editor and vice president of The Tennessean and regional editor for the USA TODAY Network.
“It’s been nearly a hundred years since the Scopes Monkey Trial took place in this state, and in many ways, Tennesseans are engaging in the same legal, theological and humanistic debates they did then — arguments mirrored elsewhere in the country today. It makes sense and it’s the right time for The Tennessean to devote sophisticated journalism firepower to this critical and most American topic.”
About the Freedom Forum: The Freedom Forum’s mission is to foster First Amendment freedoms for all. It works to raise awareness of First Amendment freedoms through education, advocacy and action, sharing the stories of Americans who have exercised their rights to ignite change. Established July 4, 1991, by founder Al Neuharth, the Freedom Forum is a nonpartisan 501 (c)(3) foundation that advances First Amendment freedoms through initiatives that include the Power Shift Project, the annual Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference, the Chips Quinn Scholars, the Al Neuharth Award for Excellence in the Media, the Free Expression Awards, the Journalists Memorial and Today’s Front Pages. The Freedom Forum’s affiliate organizations include the Al Neuharth Media Center at the University of South Dakota; the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics at the University of Mississippi; and the John Seigenthaler Center at Vanderbilt University.
About the Freedom Forum: The Freedom Forum’s mission is to foster First Amendment freedoms for all. It works to raise awareness of First Amendment freedoms through education, advocacy and action, sharing the stories of Americans who have exercised their rights to ignite change. Established July 4, 1991, by founder Al Neuharth, the Freedom Forum is a nonpartisan 501 (c)(3) foundation that advances First Amendment freedoms through initiatives that include the Power Shift Project, the annual Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference, the Chips Quinn Scholars, the Al Neuharth Award for Excellence in the Media, the Free Expression Awards, the Journalists Memorial and Today’s Front Pages. The Freedom Forum’s affiliate organizations include the Al Neuharth Media Center at the University of South Dakota; the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics at the University of Mississippi; and the John Seigenthaler Center at Vanderbilt University.
Media Contact for Freedom Forum: Jonathan Thompson, Chief Outreach Officer,
Media Contact: Rusty Coats, Executive Director | | (813) 277-8959