Elevating Local News Through Philanthropy: Insights from JFP's Research

Posting: Tuesday, May 14, 2024

In a rapidly evolving media landscape, the intersection of philanthropy and local news never has been more critical. Recognizing the importance of understanding how communities are informed about crucial topics, Journalism Funding Partners commissioned comprehensive research to explore this dynamic relationship. Conducted through a rigorous blend of qualitative interviews with funders and news organizations, paired with quantitative research of consumer news habits, this study offers invaluable insights into the role of philanthropy in sustaining quality journalism and empowering communities.

Research Methodology and Execution:

Conducted by the MC7770 Research Team at Bowling Green State University and led by Dr. Louisa Ha, JFP’s study delved into the multifaceted dynamics of philanthropy, local news and community engagement. Qualitative interviews provided rich insights from key stakeholders, shedding light on their perspectives, challenges and aspirations. Complemented by quantitative research sourced from diverse communities, this approach ensured a nuanced understanding of the complex landscape of local news funding and how communities inform themselves on important issues.

Key Points for Funders:

- Funders play a pivotal role in shaping the future of local news, with outsized impact on funding initiatives that inform and empower communities - and are adamant in their support of editorial independence. In fact, it is integral to their mission.

- "Any attempt by funders to influence editorial content undermines the integrity of journalism and erodes public trust." -Russell Campbell, Director of Science Communication and Senior Communication Officer of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund

- Philanthropic support enhances editorial integrity and ensures that local news outlets have the resources to cover important topics that matter most to communities.

Key Points for Newsrooms:

- Local newsrooms increasingly view philanthropic funding as vital to their ability to cover important topics and serve their communities effectively. Newsroom funding through JFP has led to higher awareness, policy change and national recognition, including the Pulitzer Prize.

-  "All of our funded beats/projects come from finding the intersection between the identified need in the community/newsroom and the donors' willingness to support it.”  - Tim Richey of McClatchy

- Partnerships with philanthropic organizations such as JFP enable newsrooms to innovate, enhance coverage and foster informed civic engagement, reaching millions of people each year.

Key Points on News Consumption:

- Consumers place a high value on free access to local news and are increasingly accepting of philanthropy-supported journalism over commercially funded alternatives. Free access to funded content is at the core of all journalism funded through JFP.

- A representative at The Miami Foundation said, “It is a big priority right now for the foundation to talk and raise awareness of the need for more access to local news and information.”

- Philanthropy-backed initiatives not only provide quality journalism but also contribute to building trust and credibility within local communities.

Recommendations and Wrap-Up:

As we navigate the future of local news, it’s imperative to recognize the invaluable role of philanthropy in sustaining quality journalism and empowering communities. JFP's research underscores the importance of continued collaboration and initiatives that drive positive change and elevate the voices of underrepresented communities. We hope that, together, we can leverage the insights from this research to foster a vibrant and informed civic discourse for generations to come.

We’re proud to have sponsored this research and remain committed to advancing the critical intersection of philanthropy and local news.

Read the full report here. Onward.

Rusty Coats
Executive Director, Journalism Funding Partners


Media Contact: Rusty Coats, Executive Director | rusty@jfp-local.org | (813) 277-8959


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